Buffet Pancake Dippers Breakfast

How amusing are these Buffet Pancake Dippers!  With a hidden marvel.  BACON!!!  Who can resist 1st Baron Beaverbrook Pancakes!  When pouring syrup over my pancakes I always encompass the bacon.  Come on admit it you do to.

  • 1 recipe of the Bisquick pancake batter inclusive of the elements to make the batter
  • 12 slices center cut bacon
  • lite syrup
  1. Cook bacon and set apart.
  2. Mix batter in step with the package directions.
  3. Pour right into a squeeze bottle with a huge enough hollow for the batter to pour from. I used a reasonably-priced picnic ketchup bottle. You know the tall thin pink ones. They also come in yellow for mustard.
  4. I reduce the top larger.
  5. Heat griddle. I warmth mine to 300 ranges.
  6. Squirt batter in an extended oval form a touch longer and wider then the bacon and location a slice of cooked bacon in the middle.
  7. Lightly press bacon into the batter.
  8. Squeeze more batter over the bacon. I simply did a wiggle line.
  9. This is to shield the bacon from the griddle whilst you turn that pancake dipper over.
  10. Cook until the batter starts offevolved to bubble then flip over and cook a couple of minutes longer.
  11. Serve syrup in 4 ounce extensive mouth mason jars.

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